Name of Deceased: Hester Golem Date of Death: 11/19/80 Hobby: Sewer hunts Favorite Food: Spoiled poison ivy yogurt and a side of moldy peaches Goal: To feel whole Favorite Number: 8 Favorite Color: Rotten yellow Genealogy: Created out of mere accident, the joining of rare parts.
Hester was known to wander through abandoned houses. His remains were found at the bottom of a cardboard box with a worn edge. He leaves behind no family, but a lifetime full of nightmares.
Hester Golem
ぬいぐるみ (18847)
サイズ 約16cm
腹部に秘密 夜は見てはいけない 恐怖
海外 ゾンビ クマ コレクター グッズ
プレミア ベア ホラー
teddyscares リビングデッド
ドールズ dolls マスコット
捨てられたクマ 甦ったクマ くま ゴミ
Name of Deceased: Hester Golem
Date of Death: 11/19/80
Hobby: Sewer hunts
Favorite Food: Spoiled poison ivy yogurt and a side of moldy peaches
Goal: To feel whole
Favorite Number: 8
Favorite Color: Rotten yellow
Genealogy: Created out of mere accident, the joining of rare parts.
Hester was known to wander through abandoned houses. His remains were found at the bottom of a cardboard box with a worn edge. He leaves behind no family, but a lifetime full of nightmares.
死亡者の名前: ヘスター ゴーレム
死亡日: 1980 年 11 月 19 日
趣味: 下水道探し
好きな食べ物: 腐ったツタウルシのヨーグルトとカビの生えた桃
目標: 完全な自分を感じること
好きな数字: 8
好きな色: 腐った黄色
系譜: 単なる偶然、珍しい部品の結合から生まれた。